Legal Notification

General Conditions of Use

Copyright Law

The web content of is understood to include all the designs, photographs and copyright for images, audio, videos, texts, registered brands, intellectual rights and referenced material included in this website, in addition to the software and the application of the online shop and the HTML content of the website. According to the national regulations on the protection of intellectual property, all the contents detailed above are protected by this regulation and are the property of Kayaking Costa Brava S.C.

The contents of this website may only be used with express authorisation on this matter given by Kayaking Costa Brava S.L., such that any reproduction of the abovementioned contents is strictly prohibited and may result in serious legal consequences. Also prohibited and punishable are the copying, modification, distribution, transmission, reproduction, publication or commercial use of the content, the software, the products and the services offered by Kayaking Costa Brava, S.C. on its website in addition to the reproduction or copying of the contents of this site on servers that are not those of Kayaking Costa Brava, S.C.

Also considered prohibited and punishable are those profits obtained through the publication of the website in media not pertaining to and not contracted and/or managed either directly or personally by Kayaking Costa Brava, S.C.

Legislation and Authorised Jurisdiction

Kayaking Costa Brava, S.C. and its website are subject, in a general manner, to Spanish legislation and standards. With respect to any incident the legislation of the courts of Barcelona will be applicable, provided that no legal provision exists to the contrary.

Legal Notification

Identification of the Owner

In compliance with Law 34/2002 of the 11th of July on Services for the Information Society and E-commerce, you are hereby informed that the website is owned by the company:

  • Owner: Kayaking Costa Brava, S.C.
  • Tax nº (C.I.F.): J-17360785
  • Address: C/ Enric Serra, 42. 17130 - L'Escala (Girona)

Access and Web Status

Our contents

Our clients, subscribers and web users are entirely responsible for their own conduct, in the use of the information on the website, while using the website and after having entered the website. Therefore our clients, subscribers and web users are solely responsible with respect to Kayaking Costa Brava and third parties for:

  • The consequences that may arise from any use with illegal aims or purposes contrary to those of this document, for any content of the website, whether or not created by Kayaking Costa Brava, whether or not published under its name in an official manner. – The consequences that may arise from any use contrary to the content of this document and which may be damaging to the interests or rights of third parties or which in any manner may damage, disable or impair the website or its services or prevent its normal enjoyment by other users.
  • Kayaking Costa Brava reserves the right to update contents when it deems this action to be appropriate in addition to eliminating them, limiting them or impeding access to them, in a temporary or definitive manner, in addition to denying access to the website to clients and users who misuse the contents and/or who breach any of the conditions that appear in this document.

Kayaking Costa Brava states that it does not guarantee:

1. - That access to the website and/or the links may be uninterrupted or free from error.

2.- That the content or software which clients, subscribers and users access through the website or links do not contain errors, computer viruses or other elements which may cause alterations in their systems or in the electronic documents and files stored in their computer systems or any other type of damage.

3. - The use made from the information or content of this website or website links that clients, subscribers and users may make for their own personal ends.

The information contained on this web page must be considered by clients, subscribers and users as informative and for purposes of guidance, both with respect to its purpose and to its effects, and as such:

Kayaking Costa Brava, S.C. does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on this website and therefore does not assume any responsibility for possible damages or inconveniences for users that may result from any inaccuracies on this website.